Marlin Honhongva

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Marlin Honhongva

Marlin is a dually talented artist. He was originally known best as a Hopi Kachina carver. He continues to carve beautiful contemporary sculptures and miniatures and has been influenced by his uncles: Eugene Dallas, Wilfred Kaye and Wilmer Kaye.

Marlin has broken into the jewelry scene with great expectations. He is known for creating Hopi style jewelry with traditional silverwork and beautiful cobbled inlay designs.

Marlin Honhongva comes from an extremely talented family and you can see the influences in his work. Some of his most notable relatives include Charles Loloma (uncle), his mother Sherian Honhongva, and his aunt Verma Nequatewa (Sonwai).

Marlin was born in Tuba City, Arizona, and lived in Oregon for some time. Now a resident of Window Rock, Arizona, he is married and has a young daughter.

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