
「シェル」を意味するサントドミンゴ語のヘイシは、伝統的にネックレス シェル ビーズを指していました。しかし、今日では、あらゆる素材の小さな手作りのビーズについて説明しています。サント・ドミンゴ・プエブロの彫刻家は、最も熟練したヘイシ生産者です。極小のビーズを作るには、素材(貝殻、石、またはサンゴ)を短冊状にスライスし、小さな正方形に切り、中央にドリルで穴を開けます。伝統的に、穴はサボテンの槍で突き刺されていました。一緒につながれた粗い四角形は、ひもを回転する石のホイールに押し付けることによって形作られ、滑らかにされます。その過程で、元の素材の 60 ~ 70% が失われます。



  • Shera hardy 2022年4月21日 10:58

    Sometimes the price is reflected in where you purchase the piece. Some stores have higher rents, sometimes an artist is more in need of a quicker sale. There are many varying factors. Some of the stone might be from the same mine but some of it may be natural, some turquoise maybe treated or enhanced. The one thing you should remember, is if you like it treat your self and buy it. Because you will not see the exact piece again. I watched a beautiful piece of jewelry get away because I waited too long.

  • Guy Palandrani 2017年5月29日 10:28

    I found that to be a simple straight forward description of the process. I still have wondered if when they make heishi beads with turquoise,do they use slab stone,or is it made from small chips. I guess from the description if they cut it into squares, I guess it would be a slab. I also have seen the price range that is so widespread, I could believe that has something to do with the type of turquoise used, but I have seen the same turquoise used and one necklace may be under a couple hundred dollars,and then another with the same turquoise,and the price may be a couple thousand dollars. I know there has to be something different to cause such a wide spread in pricing,and I am comparing the same turquoise and the same bead size and length of necklace.Any idea why?


