Lucy Dickson

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Lucy Dickson
Lucy Dickson has been making fine Navajo jewelry for 40 years. The youngest of seven siblings, she learned her trade from her older brothers and sisters. At around four years of age, she started helping her older siblings by assisting with some of the simpler tasks in the jewelry-making process, such as filing. “And I would always ask for my cut!” Lucy said. “I wanted to be paid for my work.”

Lucy was born in Winslow, Arizona and raised in Teesto. Her oldest sister, Lula Stago, was the first in their family to learn silversmithing when she took a class at Navajo Community College (now Diné College) in the early 1970s. Silver scrap then cost just $1.20 per ounce!

After Lula, the rest of Lucy’s older siblings followed suit and took up making jewelry in addition to pursuing their various degrees in higher education. Over the years, Garland’s has worked with Lucy’s siblings as well, including Freida Thompson and Alvin Thompson.

At 16, Lucy Dickson started making jewelry on her own when she was only a junior in high school. She worked for her older brother Alvin Thompson, which is how she learned to make pieces similar in style to his. Alvin also taught Lucy the technique of sand casting. Now, she makes her own dirt and incorporates tufa stone in her own sand-casting process. Lucy is now assisted by her nephew, Deon Barlow. He also learned from his uncle and Lucy’s brother, Alvin Thompson. Deon is on his way to making his own jewelry some day!

Lucy has a daughter and son and likes to go shopping with them and her niece in their spare time. She especially loves seeking out good deals at yard sales!
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Split Band Ring by Lucy Dickson - Garland's
Split Band Ring by Lucy Dickson - Garland's
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